It is kind of nice to be back to studying again. Of course I studied while in my core rotations but it is different to wake up and have the entire day to study whatever you want (or need) to in any order or place you desire. And of course I love being back at "home" with Dr. Boyfriend and have been not 100% focused on studying as I had jury duty for two days and then dentist appt, etc. All the stuff you don't have time to take care of when you are flying around the USA for a year kind of adds up. But home is good. Schedule, or lack there of is good. Life is good.
In any case... I have to get back to studying. Happy Wednesday!
P.S. Here's a nice neuro article for any of you thinking of going into neurology. I thought it was an interesting read. Of course child neurology is a bit different but the sentiments are the same.