
links galore

Just a few recommendations if you are looking for something psychiatric tinted to enlighten/entertain or distract you.

Real 'Sybil' Admits Multiple Personalities were Fake
An NPR Segment that I stumbled upon yesterday...

for the moment/hour/day-
The NY Times Lives Restores Series- Parts 1-3 now available, here is the link to the first article

for the week/month-
"Sybil Exposed" by Debbie Nathan (I'm reading this now, 1/3 the way through and so far I'm intrigued and saddened. I guess the original Sybil work is up next.)

"The Center Cannot Hold" by Elyn R. Saks (I haven't yet read this but it is on my list as well.)

This is a classic and if you haven't read it, you should. 

In case you would rather a video, this one and the prior two in the Lives Restored Series are well done and get my recommendations as well.


That's all for now. Two more weeks of psychiatry. My goal is to prepare for the shelf and stay interested in all of it. Now, back to my book!

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